Author Archives: sarebelein

You set me up! (11/11)

You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up!


(We made a video about scooter tricks)


You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up! You set me up!




We finished and recorded our Australian Story. And we talked about Destiny. And we watched some throwing knife montages. Listened to dark secrets about big corporations. Good stuff.

Mexican Mafia

We talked about the Australian story we’re writing!

We talked about Gangs of New York!

We talked about Minecraft and Mesa!

We found some pictures to use!


Sans Jake

Dear Jake,

I’m sorry to hear you’re sick!! That like so sucks. But I’m sure it gives you more time to play Five Nights at Freddy’s or Minecraft or whatever you’re doing today. At least I hope you’re having a good relaxing day!

While you were gone, I drew more doodles than I know what to do with. Hung out with Kelsey and Hanna which was pretty swell. We talked about Kurt Vonnegut and the American Flag. Good timez!

I’ve still got out Australian story saved and I shed a single tear when I heard we wouldn’t be able to add to it today. But I’ll balance out that tear with more than a single smile when you get back!

I’ll be done now.



P.S. Did you get a chance to see The Hills Have Eyes???

Sam’s Bio


Hello everyone! My name is Sam. Middle school nicknames include: Sammy Sosa, Samwise Gamgee, Samuel Jackson, Sam Sam Green Eggs and Ham, and Joe. Please give me a new one.

I’m a huge fan of forgetting to shave and eating buffalo chicken. I love crime thrillers (Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Drive) and sappy films like Love, Actually. Ones in the middle like O Brother Where Art Thou are also good. I enjoy walks on the beach of any length and I HAVE been to China in the past six months.

Dogs. Spiderman. Crunchy peanut butter. Books like The Crying of Lot 49 and Looking for Alaska cuz where did she go??

Wheat Thins! Game of Thrones! Theatre! Improv!

It takes 792 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.