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“Doesn’t Really Matter” with Miguel and Peter
Reflections! Matthew and Alison
I had a great experience in the class! I really loved working with Matt and being able to lend a guiding hand throughout the activities. We produced many pieces of work that I am glad to say I am proud. I am so proud of Matt for working through this class. He was always a joy. He is thoughtful and intelligent and always excited and ready to go. I have seen an increase in his confidence in his work, and certainly his typing! (haha) I have learned about so many different types of technology and their applications into the classroom that I plan on taking with me. I hope Matt is able to reflect upon these projects and use some of the literacy applications, like writing scripts and using scenes to create a feeling, like he did in the final project, in his classes in the years to come. I had a great time working with you Matt! Keep up the enthusiasm and thoughtful work, I know it will get you far! I can’t wait to read one of your books someday! 🙂
-Alison Sagliocca
Reflection on the class: (likes, dislikes, were goals accomplished? what will you take with you?)
Q: What was the best part of this final project?
A: I’d say filming and acting was pretty fun, but the whole thing was really cool!
Q: What was the hardest part of the final project?
A: Definetlly the editing. It was stressful when part of the project was deleted and it didn’t load, but it was all worth it in the end.
Q:Which segment or “tape” was your favorite?
A: It’s hard to choose between the Star Wars audition and “Human Safari”. They were both great, and so were the rest!
Q:If you could actually meet one of the characters from the video, who would it be?
A: Wow, that’s a tough question, but I’ve gotta say Luke Vader from the Star Wars tape. He’s a nerd like me , but so much dorkier!
Q: Finally, was the best part of the whole Vassar Reading Project?
A: Another toughie! I can’t decide on a favorite, but the whole thing was really cool. I had a lot of fun and it’s been great going through this. Thanks for having this awesome project! Â Â -Matthew
Working together with Hanna has been an enriching experience. We covered many projects about various intriguing topics. We started off the program with doing a PSA on abortion. On this subject that I had no personal feelings to, I began to see both point of views regarding the controversy. For the following projects, we were able to craftily use the technology provided. Both of us being fairly new to the usage of the programs, we took it step by step to learn it together. Hanna made her project more interesting by brining in her own materials that had significant meanings to her. The whole class was able to learn the process of making a torta sandwich and doing a henna tattoo!
While working on these projects, we were also able to incorporate some literacy learning. Having a strong foundation in literacy already, Hanna was able to grow and develop her further interest in literacy. The combination of both technological use and literacy development surely made this program insightful. I hope Hanna continues on with her pursuit of her dream!
Reflections: Megan and Hannah!
Hannah: My time with Megan this semester has been extremely rewarding. Due to the few number of weeks that we were able to have together, Megan and I only had time to complete two of the projects during the semester – the digital poem starring an angry kitten and our sandwich video edits “The Sweet and Salty Cow” – and have since begun to work on her final project with Eunice and Taylor. I have enjoyed working with Megan on these assignments; she is an imaginative thinker, a talented artist, and – as the videos indicate – a true comedienne. These qualities came out in every session we had together. And, in what was (I hope!) was an entertaining and engaging way, we talked about concepts like tone, audience, voice, style, revision, and editing, specifically as they apply to the project that Megan and Taylor are working to complete.I look forward to seeing the (semi-) final project at the end of this semester, and eventually, to seeing their graphic novel in stores!Â
Megan : During my weeks here with Hannah I had many fun experiences. We couldn’t do many projects together, since I came late to this program, but I think that we made the best of it. First, we had to do the poem project, which consisted of looking up pictures of wet cats, which was, uh, rather “productive”. We did get it done thought, although at a slow pace because of our true lack of editing skills. Our next struggle – the sandwich video editing project – took possibly longer than it should have.But what can we say, we were laughing to much to really think enough to learn how to edit quickly. I mean, it did end up being a pretty good video(the best,actually). Then, we got to start what I had been looking forward to the whole time, the final project in which I could work on the graphic novel my friend and I had been planning. To get it done, me, Hannah, Eunice, and Taylor had to work on it. We still aren’t done, but we’ll finish it before time’s up. It’ll be great, I’m sure of it.
This class has been so much fun! I really enjoyed working with Chiara. She is a very smart and funny young girl. My favorite part of this course was the sandwich making day. Chiara came up with the idea pretend she was a chef at a very popular sandwich restaurant and I would be her sous chef. She came up with some very funny and witty ideas. In the end we decided to make a fluffernutter sandwich, which consists of marshmellow fluff and peanut butter. Then Chiara decided to make a signature addition to the sandwich: a pi sign made out of peanut butter on top of the bread. The restaurant was called the pi sandwich shop so I thought that was very clever. Overall, Chiara made some great strides in her literacy and has been able to succeed in creating some great projects over these couple of months.
Awkward Lunchtime Situations
Mamma Heads A Poem
Nazayar Presents:
Here is our PowerPoint on YouTube and Vine!