Reflections! Matthew and Alison

I had a great experience in the class! I really loved working with Matt and being able to lend a guiding hand throughout the activities. We produced many pieces of work that I am glad to say I am proud. I am so proud of Matt for working through this class. He was always a joy. He is thoughtful and intelligent and always excited and ready to go. I have seen an increase in his confidence in his work, and certainly his typing! (haha) I have learned about so many different types of technology and their applications into the classroom that I plan on taking with me. I hope Matt is able to reflect upon these projects and use some of the literacy applications, like writing scripts and using scenes to create a feeling, like he did in the final project, in his classes in the years to come. I had a great time working with you Matt! Keep up the enthusiasm and thoughtful work, I know it will get you far! I can’t wait to read one of your books someday! 🙂

-Alison Sagliocca

Reflection on the class: (likes, dislikes, were goals accomplished? what will you take with you?)

Q: What was the best part of this final project?

A: I’d say filming and acting was pretty fun, but the whole thing was really cool!

Q: What was the hardest part of the final project?

A: Definetlly the editing. It was stressful when part of the project was deleted and it didn’t load, but it was all worth it in the end.

Q:Which segment or “tape” was your favorite?

A: It’s hard to choose between the Star Wars audition and “Human Safari”. They were both great, and so were the rest!

Q:If you could actually meet one of the characters from the video, who would it be?

A: Wow, that’s a tough question, but I’ve gotta say Luke Vader from the Star Wars tape. He’s a nerd like me , but so much dorkier!

Q: Finally, was the best part of the whole Vassar Reading Project?

A: Another toughie! I can’t decide on a favorite, but the whole thing was really cool. I had a lot of fun and it’s been great going through this. Thanks for having this awesome project!     -Matthew







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