Tarryn’s Digital Autobiography

Hi everybody!

Here is my digital video. Hope you enjoy learning a little about me!

If you want to find out more, look down below or maybe we can get lunch some time.


My name is Tarryn. Various nicknames of mine include: T, Tee Tay, Tar Tar, Tare Bear, T Baby, Bird, and Paco. I come from Arvada, Colorado (Map) but unfortunately have never skied before. Along with my mom and dad, I have 3 older brother, an older sister, and my dog Samson. I also recently came back from studying abroad in Australia.

I’m a senior Media Studies major interested in Education and Economics. I live in the town houses across the street from the library this year. In my free time you can find me dancing…usually to some Beyonce song. At Vassar, I dance with a group called FlyPeople. We dance everything from Hip Hop to Ballet to Irish Step dancing.  I also love playing the flute and enjoy hiking/adventuring in the woods. My all time favorite food is ice cream.