Prey capture ecology of the Cubozoan Carukia barnesi

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Cnidaria is a diverse phylum containing over 10,000 species, all belonging to two basic body forms: swimming medusae (jellyfish) and sessile polyps. These organisms employ a wide range of strategies for food acquisition ranging from filter feeding and symbiotic relationships … Continue reading

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Early-life Stress Disadvantages Female Starlings’ Perception of Male Songs

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              Environmental stress can cause adverse effects on an animal’s health via the pressure it places on behavioral and physiological processes. These effects may last throughout an animal’s life, especially when the stress occurs … Continue reading

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Gall Lab Publish in Zoology

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The Gall Lab has just published a paper entitled “Frequency sensitivity in the auditory periphery of male and female black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus)”.  The first author is one of the first student members of the Gall Lab, Arick Wong. In … Continue reading

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Is sex worth being eaten? The use of silk pheromones when determining female quality in black widow spiders

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Background An organism preferentially choosing a mate by determining their quality is a mechanism that exists within many species. We usually associate selection as females choosing their mates from a large number of potential suitors, but the reverse is also … Continue reading

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House Finches uses Olfactory Cues in Predator Avoidance

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Prey animals are forced to employ various mechanisms of predator detection in order to avoid being eaten. Methods of detection can vary, and many animals can use multiple sensory modalities to perceive the presence of a predator. One possible means … Continue reading

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Right Ear Advantage Orientation Behaviors in Emei Music Frogs

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Right ear advantage (REA) describes the tendency of animals to preferentially orient themselves in order to detect different types of auditory signals with different ears. It is believed that the orientation behaviors help improve efficiency of appropriate neural and behavioral … Continue reading

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Sizing up the Competition: Using Multiple Sensory Cues to Assess Rival Mates

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The art of communication involves two aspects: the first being the propagation of the signal across a medium, and the second being the reception of the information within the signal being communicated. The receiver can use this information to construct … Continue reading

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Dolphins adjust whistle acoustics in face of increasing background noise

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Background noise often interferes with an organisms ability to reduce uncertainty based on acoustic cues and signals, as it makes it more difficult for the organism to separate out valuable information from the ambient noise. In the ocean, background noise … Continue reading

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The Earlier Bird Catches the Worm, Near Airports

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Chances are you’ve woken up in the morning to the sounds of chirping birds. If you’re a very early riser, you may have even caught the “dawn chorus”, or the singing of a large number of birds before dawn each day. … Continue reading

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Stranger Danger: How Do Prey Respond to Novel Predators?

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You’re walking down the street and suddenly come face to face with a creature you’ve never seen before. It’s doesn’t look (or smell) like anything you ever remember learning about. How do you react? Is this creature friend or foe? … Continue reading

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