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Thanks to Dr. Jeff Lucas for visiting us here at the Gall Lab and for presenting a really interesting seminar on auditory processing in songbirds! It was great to reconnect with Dr. Lucas and Dr. Denise Zielinski!
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Thanks to Dr. Jeff Lucas for visiting us here at the Gall Lab and for presenting a really interesting seminar on auditory processing in songbirds! It was great to reconnect with Dr. Lucas and Dr. Denise Zielinski!
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Dr. Gall attended the 2025 SICB meeting in Atlanta, GA in January. She gave a talk on the work the lab is doing on the effects of seasonality and vegetation structure on sound propagation. This year she also took over … Continue reading
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The Gall lab attended the 2024 Animal Behavior Society Meeting in London, Ontario. This was the first national meeting for the six undergraduates that attended. Kalina, Lauren, Susie, Alex, Teo, and Gabe stopped at Niagara Falls on the way. Dr. … Continue reading
From Left: Lucinda explains our process for building a vocalization library. James, Kalina, and Abby present their work on vegetation structure and background noise levels at the Vassar Ecological Preserve. Everyone rocks the Gall Lab t-shirts!
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Check out our new publication on the mechanisms underlying altered anti-predator communication in noise in chickadees, titmice, and nuthatches!
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Thanks to Dr. Kelly Ronald for visiting us here at the Gall Lab and for presenting an interesting seminar on the new work happening in her lab!
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Gall Lab seniors Trina Chou (left) and Anjali Krishna (right) kicked off presentation season by presenting their senior thesis work at the Hudson Valley Life Science Group meeting. Next senior talks and poster sessions at Vassar!
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The Gall Lab is living it up at the SICB 2023 Meeting in Austin, TX! In attendance are Dr. Gall, Trina Chou and Anjali Krishna. We are seeing lots of great talks and getting to connect with lots of friends … Continue reading
Dr. Gall recently talked with Jim Metzner of Pulse of the Planet (formerly a brief NPR segment and now a full length podcast). Check it out here!
Dr. Gall recently appeared on NPR’s All Things Considered to discuss how reduced anthropogenic noise might affect the singing life of birds and other vocal animals. Check it out here!