Flipping the Classroom with a Galaxy Note Tablet

Awardee: Zachary Donhauser

Semester of Award: Fall 2015

Materials Awarded: Samsung Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 Tablet

Project Description:

I used a tablet to produce instructional videos for my Physical Chemistry class (CHEM-350). I was following a “semi-flipped” classroom model, where the goal was to present lecture material outside of class, via video, so that we could spend more time in class working with groups on problem solving exercises. I used the Fergusson funding to purchase a tablet, along with the Explain Everything app, because it provided a low barrier to producing and uploading videos to YouTube. The Samsung Galaxy tablet has excellent stylus recognition for natural handwriting, and Explain Everything makes it very easy to produce “whiteboard-style” videos. I am able to write lecture notes on the screen as though writing on the board in a classroom, while recording my voice. It’s then essentially one touch to upload the resulting recording to YouTube. One example of video is here: https://youtu.be/LgxtQ1Y_aP4

I believe the project was successful. Surveys of the class indicated that the video lectures were probably as effective as in-class lecture, and the students found the in-class time spent on problem solving to be effective. I also administered a final exam that was identical to a previous semester where I had just done traditional lectures. Students in the flipped class did slightly better on the final exam compared to students in the traditional class. Importantly, this approach made the class more exciting for me, as I had a lot more time in class to talk to students one-on-one and in small groups.

I first used the approach in Spring 2016, and then again in Fall 2016. I plan to use this approach, with some modifications, in upcoming semesters.

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