14. Phagpa Lokeshvara

14. Phagpa Lokeshvara

Nepal, 16th–17th century; ivory; H. 5 1/2 in.; The Newark Museum, Purchase 1973 Wallace M. Scudder Bequest Fund, 73.130, photo: Robert Goodbody, Courtesy of The Newark Museum.

Bodhisattva Lokeshvara

Bodhisattva Lokeshvara

Nepal, 9th century; copper alloy; 9 5/16 x 2 in.; The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, Promised gift of John and Berthe Ford, F.165.

This Nepalese representation of Avalokiteshvara as Lord of the World is an intact figure with hand extended in varada mudra. Despite being made of different materials, it suggests what Phagpa Lokeshvara’s missing features would have looked like.