Unexpected Resources

http://www.catholic-forum.com/churches/cathteach/english.html: I found this first one by putting aside my doubts about a website called “catholic-forum,” out of curiosity for what might be available. As it turns out, there’s some useful and well-written information on the site, and I think it’s a testament to my own unfortunate biases that I am genuinely surprised. My two favorite things are a brief quiz that has students assess their own metacognition skills, and a brief outline of several schools of literary theory (including Deconstructionism, one of the most complex and inaccessible schools ever practiced).

The next one isn’t for English in particular, but I couldn’t resist sharing it, since I check it often and enjoy its posts: http://adventuresinlearning.tumblr.com/. Its resources are more of a miscellany, and it is primarily a blog, not a resource site, but the videos, articles, and discussions that it provides are always productive.

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