Final Project



Johnise’s Song of Myself Poem

I am extraordinary
I am very divine
I am like the palm trees of Florida
I flow with the beat, my leaves fall neat
I am extraordinary
I am bright like sunshine
I am like the sun of Arizona
Scorching hot, alight a lot
I am extraordinary
I am very tall
I am like the statue of liberty
Really welcoming, stunning
I am extraordinary
I am very outgoing
I am like Lake Havasu
My waves flow calm, I act with aplomb


I am extraordinary

I find myself in Willy Wonka’s factory

Eating everything I can see, I can find, I can feel

I love bright colors, lavender like the flower

Magenta like the sunset

Teal like hydrangea flowers

Grey like rain clouds when it’s just done raining

I am extraordinary

I move so swiftly around the world

I find myself in many places at once

I move around America, all the landscapes explain me well…just remember



Shemona’s Final Presentation

Shemona has been working on a poem she wrote called “True Love.” Last week, Shemona created an awesome podcast in Audacity where she recorded herself reading the poem and combined it with clips from a song she likes called “Mr. Wrong.” But the computer we used crashed and I couldn’t get it to work all week, so we don’t have the podcast ready to present.

Instead, Shemona can read her poem out loud to the audience and we can play the song in the background. She can explain a little bit about why she chose to put the song and the poem together.

Here is the song:


Isabella and Amanda: Crew – Inspirational People and Words

In our final meeting, Isabella surprised me with a script for her project that she had written at home! With her words as our motivation, we finalized the images, video, quotes, and audio that would make up our presentation. We ended up with a slideshow that is both educational and inspirational. Here is our final project. Hope you like it!

– Isabella and Amanda

The Story of the Evil Velveteen Rabbit

Karen and I worked long and hard to bring you this epic retelling of the traditional Velveteen Rabbit story! Told from the perspective of EVR (the evil twin brother of the velveteen rabbit), Karen’s version adds nuance, depth, and a previously unconsidered dark side to this common fairytale. We wrote many drafts and our final project for you all is a typical bed-time story reading, character voices and all. We just know you’ll love it!

Without further ado, here is EVR: