English Teaching Resources


This website is an online edition of a quarterly journal. The articles are only available to subscribers, but based on the list of articles in the current addition, it is a periodical I would be interested in having access to. There are sections on technology, reading, writing, and language. There is also a section for reviews of books, something I think would be really helpful in finding new books for a curriculum.


This is another service you can pay for which seems like it could be very helpful. It seems like the site places an emphasis on fostering discussion between its members as well as providing resources for the classroom. The news article on the service (http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk/home/news/article/item6869146/?site_locale=ar_TN) says that it is “an online environment that offers teachers the opportunity to become part of a community of peers across the world, undertaking flexible professional development courses and building an online presence that showcases their careers to date. 

 The site also allows members to interact with fellow teachers, the authors who produce the materials they use in the classroom, and other leading names in the world of global English language teaching.”. You can buy the courses individually and get a discounted price for being a member. I think its a cool idea to make professional development accessible and organized. I wonder whether or not schools in the US would support their teachers taking these classes designed in the UK. Regardless, it is an interesting site to explore even if you can’t access everything without paying to be a member.

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