Final Project!

Today Romi and Alli decided to start work on our final project!  Romi really liked the poem project we did a few weeks back, so we decided to do a similar video using a poem that Romi likes called Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll.  We spent today practicing reading the poem out loud and we finally decided to record it together, switching off every verse.  After a few false starts (where Alli forgot to turn on the microphone and recorded three minutes of silence), we finally were able to record the whole poem on Audacity.  We also began looking for pictures that are going to go into our slideshow to illustrate the poem.  It was a little difficult because there are many words in the poem that are not real words in English (or any other language, for that matter).

We can’t wait to see what everyone else has chosen to work on for their final projects!

-Alli and Romi