Banned Books WeekEvery September, the American Library Association, the National Coalition Against Censorship and other organizations sponsor Banned Books Week, aimed at “Celebrating the Freedom to Read.” The goals of Banned Books Week range from bringing censorship under the national spotlight to creating a space for a community of teachers, students, librarians, and readers and writers of all sorts to express their beliefs and ideas about literature, “even those some consider unorthodox and unpopular.”

The ALA website has many interesting lists of books that have been banned in the US throughout history and, believe it or not, in very recent years. There are also several great resources on the Banned Books Week website! Which banned book resonates most with you? Stay tuned later in the week for our picks on the banned books that are important to us!

Attention VC Students: The Vassar College Research Services has teamed up with the ResLife dorms to celebrate Banned Books Week on campus! There will be events in the following dorms this week:
Joss Parlor Monday 9/22 at 8:30 pm

Davison MPR Wednesday 9/24 at 9:30 pm

Lathrop MPR Sunday 9/28 at 8:00 pm

Also be sure to check out the Banned Books Week setup in the Library atrium!

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