Talk Tech Episode 28, Feb. 18, 2010

These are some (hopefully most)  of the links here for TalkTech Episode 28 on Feb 18, 2010. Chat room worked great last week, so join us there .

Special Guest:

Dr. Peter Naegele, Instructional Technologist in Psychology Department at Oberlin College

Big Tech

Google Car chased by SpearFishers

Google Car chased by SpearFishers

Social Networking Tech


Mobile Tech

Area Tech

Fun Tech

My Next D&D Accessory – Microsoft Surface:

D&D on the Microsoft Surface from CrunchGear on Vimeo.

Talk Tech Topics for Feb. 4, 2010

These are some (hopefully most)  of the links here for  TalkTech Episode 27 on Feb 4, 2010. Chat room worked great last week, so join us there .

Big Tech

Amazon Said to Buy Touch Start-Up

iPad and HTML5 Video


Student buys and displays student papers on the web

Mobile Tech

Area Tech

Fun Tech

TalkTech Episode 26 Links

Podcast available here on iTunes U.

I’ll be posting the links here from TalkTech Episode 26 on January 28, 2010

Special Guest:
Joseph Ugoretz, PhD
Director of Technology and Learning
William E. Macaulay Honors College (CUNY)
35 West 67th St.
New York, NY 10023

Big Tech


Mobile Tech

Area Tech

Fun Tech

TalkTech guest for Thursday – Joseph Ugoretz

We are looking forward to our guest on Thursday, Joseph Ugoretz. He gave a great presentation at WordCamp 2009. His email signature follows:

Joseph Ugoretz, PhD
Director of Technology and Learning
William E. Macaulay Honors College (CUNY)
35 West 67th St.
New York, NY 10023

At WordCamp, he spoke articulately and passionately about the use of WordPress as an ePortfolio system at Macaulay. Check them out here

Vassar’s current ePortfolio system is more traditional product that the college leases. I was impressed by the model at Macaulay where students ccan use WordPress to document their work as part and parcel of their experiences as undergraduates. Instead of the ePortfolio being something you suddenly undertake as you enter the job market, it could be something that is built into your experience year to year. This seems like an excellent way for students to share their work.

TalkTech Show Links Jan. 21, 2010

These are links to today’s show to be broadcast from live from 91.3 WVKR. I anticipate John and Chad will mention other links and I’ll try and get them posted in here as well.

Big Tech News

Area Tech

Exploravision Competitions offers $240,000 to K-12 students

SUNY Orange offers green tech class for homeowners

Guidelines for Email


Social Tech:


Pick of the Week:


TalkTech Podcast Episode 24

Here’s a link to Episode 24 of TalkTech in iTunes U. The link works best if iTunes is already open. Sorry it took so long to get up, there were a bunch of hiccups in editing, exporting etc.

Most of the links mentioned in this show can be found in the January 14th TalkTech notes.