Composting; Coming to a Faculty Housing Area Near You!

In growing initiatives to extend environmental measures beyond Vassar’s campus, the College Committee on Sustainability, Building & Grounds, and the Office of Strategic Planning and Academic Resources are bringing composting to faculty housing areas! As composting in ACDC, the Retreat, and upperclassmen housing has become an integral part of Vassar’s culture, it is only natural to involve faculty as well in the collective effort to maintain sustainable practices on as well as off campus.
We’re excited to announce that composting will now be available in the Williams, Palmer and Kendrick housing areas.

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Earth Day Photo Contest!

Calling all photographers! Earth Day is right around the corner and you will be hearing more from us about that soon, but in the mean time send our your photos of campus by April 12th to our laundry company, MacGray, for the chance to win up to $500 and social media fame and glory!

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SCC: Happy Holiday Shopping Season!

Happy Thanksgiving Vassar! While on Thursday many will be digging into large portions of Turkey (or possibly some Tofurky for those vegetarians and vegans among us), the day after then kicks off the nonstop shopping extravaganza that is the Holiday season.
For this week’s Sustainable Community Challenge – and for this holiday season more generally – we ask you to think more locally with your holiday spending.

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