Category Archives: Uncategorized

Potty talk; Communication through urine among male Tilapia

The urine of male tilapia fish contains information about the male’s dominance. Males use this information to communicate their social dominance to other males. This acts as a competition deterrent amongst males. Male fish showed decreased aggressive responses when exposed … Continue reading

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Air-Borne Directions: How Olfactory Cues Help Gulls Navigate Long-Distance Migration

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Migratory birds fly over thousands of kilometers in order to visit breeding or non-breeding grounds every year. Once migrator birds become experienced adults, they develop the ability of true navigation. True navigation consists of picking up cues in unfamiliar areas … Continue reading

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Lost and Confused: The Effect of Magnetic Pulses on Orientation of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster

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Although, we humans must rely on compasses and google maps to guide us, a diverse range of animals possess the incredible ability to detect the earth’s magnetic field, allowing them to migrate accurately over astonishing distances. These animals are able … Continue reading

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The Peahen Who Cried Wolf: Peafowl Can Differentiate Between the Antipredator Calls of Conspecifics

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The Peahen Who Cried Wolf: Peafowl Can Differentiate Between the Anti-predator Calls of Conspecifics When it comes to being able to differentiate between the calls of comrades when a predator is near, it certainly pays to recognize their individual vocalizations. … Continue reading

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Insects Exploit Multiple Cues of Plants to Govern Behavior

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Michael Kim Insects Exploit Multiple Cues of Plants to Govern Behavior   While the research field of signals and cues mostly focuses on animals such as mammals, signals and cues are also very important in plant species. The process of … Continue reading

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Bees agree: the bigger the hornet, the scarier

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Bees provide a classic example of extreme complexity within animal societies. The exact geometry of the honeycomb and hive, combined with their tendency towards clearly defined echelons and rank, suggest that highly precise and ordered mechanisms are behind the seemingly … Continue reading

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Get off my lawn! Aggressive signaling in song sparrows under risk of predation

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Animal communication can come in many forms and can have many different receivers.  Sometimes, however, information is picked up by unintended receivers.  These are referred to as eavesdroppers.  If this eavesdropper is a predator, a sent signal can be quite … Continue reading

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Glow In the Dark Sharks: Bioluminescence of Catsharks and its Perception of Conspecifics

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Catsharks are warm water dwelling sharks that tend to live near coral reefs and along the ocean floor, though some species prefer environments of greater depth.  They are smaller sharks and grow to be a little over two feet long, and as their … Continue reading

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What are you all dressed up for? The colorful, colorblind shrimp

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It’s easy to look at the bright colors on the cleaner shrimp Lysmata amboinensis (pictured below) and assume that it appears that way to its fellow shrimp. But shrimp eyes do not work the same as ours, and research suggests that these … Continue reading

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Even Tropical Birds get Hormonal: How Mate Signaling is Mediated in the Brains of Tropical Birds

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Brain plasticity is the ability of the brain to adapt to new environments or situations by building connections or forming more cells. One of the most studied cases of brain plasticity is the ability of temperate songbirds to change the … Continue reading

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