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The Chipping Sparrow (Spizella Passerina): A Brief Overview Dutchess County is rife with wildlife, with birds standing out in particular. Out of all the species present in our neighborhood, the Chipping Sparrow stands out as a great example of bird behavior … Continue reading

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The Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Archilochus colubris): General Biology

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IDENTIFICATION The Ruby-throated Hummingbird is a small member of the Trochilidae hummingbird family (Robinson et al., 2013). The plumage of both sexes is light gray on the underside and iridescent green on the dorsal side and crown. Males, which are … Continue reading

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Blood Seeking Biological Weaponry: How Malaria is Propagated

Blood Seeking Biological Weaponry: How Malaria is Propagated                            Anopheles gambiae, the malaria mosquito. Source:Wiki Commons Over 200 million people a year are diagnosed with malaria. This mosquito-borne disease mimics … Continue reading

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Guppy Love: Guppy mate choice changes the way they see color

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Most people have a favorite color. But could that color have anything to do with who you’re attracted to? Researchers studying the Trinidadian guppy, a small fish found only on Trinidad, think it might. Color vision is usually thought to … Continue reading

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Gall Lab Publishes in Animal Behaviour

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The Gall Lab, in association with Dr. Alejandro Velez (currently at Washington University) and Dr. Jeffrey Lucas (Purdue University), has published a new article in the journal Animal Behaviour. In the article we investigate how the ability to process frequency … Continue reading

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Bird Beak Coloration: More Than Just a Fashion Statement

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The saying, “Birds of a feather flock together” is a testament to the incredibly important role bird feathers have in signaling between individuals. Birds can be found in a wide range of colors, and the function of plumage coloration for both … Continue reading

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GTA (Grand Theft Ants): Social Parasitism Within Ants

When anyone mentions ants, you probably think of the small insects that make colonies within those little hills. Although it is true that many ants are social organisms, there are some ants that are social parasites. Unlike most ants and … Continue reading

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A Second Look at Fiddler Crabs Hooded Burrows

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Meet our friend Uca terpsichores, known commonly as a type of fiddler crab. Fiddler crabs are a group of small crabs that may be found in shallow waters of oceans, swamps, mangrove, and lagoons. They are known for the funny, … Continue reading

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The effects of predation on the visually-based mating signals of the male brown anole (Anolis sagrei)

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Communication is vital to the survival of many species as it facilitates various critical aspects of social interaction, including territorial establishment and reproduction. Attention is a significant facet of communication as an individual receiving the signal, or information, must be … Continue reading

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The Singing Life of the Snowy Owl (Bubo Scandiacus)

The most prominent sources of information on the Snowy Owl comes mostly from the work done by scientists such as A. Watson, G. M. Sutton and D. F. Parmelee during the 1930’s thru the late 1950’s and then in the … Continue reading

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