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Canada Goose Vocalizations

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Types of Vocalizations- The Canada Goose is a waterfowl, and not a singing species of bird. However, the Canada Goose has an intricate system of vocal communication, and their repertoire includes 13 different calls for adults, although this is debated … Continue reading

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Red Breasted Nuthatch (Sitta Canadensis) General Biology

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What does A Red Breasted Nuthatch look like? The Red Breasted Nuthatch (Sitta Canadensis) is physically a pudgy bird with a very small neck and a stubby body from the Nuthatch family. It has a long, sharp, and slightly upward … Continue reading

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Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) Singing Behavior

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What are the characteristics of the songs and calls of Tufted Titmice? The Tufted Titmouse’s song is a whistled chant, peter peter peter or here here here, and it is a fast-repeated, clear whistle.  The second peter in the song is … Continue reading

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Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) General Biology

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What is a Tufted Titmouse? The Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) is a small bird in the Paridae family. The average male wing span is 79.8mm and average female wing span is 76.7mm. These birds are easily identified with its overall … Continue reading

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The Blue Jay – Vocalizations

Blue Jays are often considered to be among the most intelligent birds. This makes them both very interesting and hard to capture and study (Kroodsma, 2005). Not much work has been done on the vocalizations of Blue Jays and most … Continue reading

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The Blue Jay – General Biology

Blue Jay’s Diary March 4th, 2015 Dear diary, My name is Bluey and I am a Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata). I am generally a happy bird, but this past winter was dark and cold, just horrible! I certainly prefer the beautiful … Continue reading

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The Influence of Light vs Dark Conditions in Egyptian Fruit Bat Flight Trajectory

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Bats are the only mammals capable of flight and utilize echolocation to interact with their environments. Animal flight is an intricate motor function that requires fine motor control and fast sensory interpretation. Echolocation, also known as biological sonar, is a … Continue reading

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West African Chimpanzees Vary their Food Call Structure for a Fruit Tree Species

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Human language is considered distinct from other forms of animal communication because it is referential, context-specific, invokes higher order reasoning, and is voluntary, both on the sending and receiving end. Increasing evidence shows the flexibility and context-specificity of some non-human … Continue reading

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Is this a good host? Parasitic wasps turn to plants for advice.

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In order to successfully find food or prey, animals must use the information that they receive from their environment. One such signal animals could receive comes from plants. Volatile organic compounds are released by plants and have an effect on … Continue reading

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Prairie Voles: Why you might want to stay away from those with a fast heart rate

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It has been well established that mammals have evolved to efficiently regulate their heart rate with behaviors such as facial expression, listening, and vocalization. Heart rate can be promoted during fight or flight behaviors, or slowed to foster pro-social behaviors … Continue reading

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