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What are you all dressed up for? The colorful, colorblind shrimp

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It’s easy to look at the bright colors on the cleaner shrimp Lysmata amboinensis (pictured below) and assume that it appears that way to its fellow shrimp. But shrimp eyes do not work the same as ours, and research suggests that these … Continue reading

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Even Tropical Birds get Hormonal: How Mate Signaling is Mediated in the Brains of Tropical Birds

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Brain plasticity is the ability of the brain to adapt to new environments or situations by building connections or forming more cells. One of the most studied cases of brain plasticity is the ability of temperate songbirds to change the … Continue reading

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Retina in the Limelight: Researchers Discover Cell Diversity within Mouse Retina

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In 1959, Lettvin and colleagues first suggested that the eye does not simply transmit images like a camera; rather, important processing happens at the level of the eye — for example, the extraction of valuable visual information from noise. This … Continue reading

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Through the Eyes of a Wasp: How Wasps Acquire and Use Views for Homing

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Many species of insects including honeybees, ants, and wasps live in nests, which act as headquarters from which all of the members of the colony operate. For an insect such as a wasp, the ability to navigate to and from … Continue reading

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It’s Getting Cramped Over Here! Big Cities Are Changing Bird Dynamics

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  Birds are a vast class of animals that can be found in a variety of habitats around the world.  One environment many reside in is also home to thousands of people; urban areas.  As the world’s population climbs, so do the … Continue reading

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Even Insects Hate Traffic: How Noise Affects the Song Patterns of Tree Crickets

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Traffic poses a direct threat to the survival of insects; they can easily be squashed under a tire or on a windshield. However, it also may pose an indirect threat by causing noise that interferes with mating calls. Traffic and … Continue reading

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I Scratch Your Back, You Scratch Mine: Lemurs Groom-at-a-Distance through Vocalizations

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I Scratch Your Back, You Scratch Mine: Lemurs Groom-at-a-Distance through Vocalizations We have all heard it before: communication is the key to a successful relationship. Talking things out with friends and family is healthy for everyone involved. But what about … Continue reading

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What Do We Pay Attention To? The Importance of Cues and Context in Predictive Learning

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What Do We Pay Attention To? The Importance of Cues and Context in Predictive Learning As humans, we choose to pay attention to certain things and deem others irrelevant. A growing body of research focuses on various measures of stimulus … Continue reading

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Crying Fowl: Peahens Can Tell Each Other’s Calls Apart

Who’s Who in the Animal World It’s a dangerous world out there, and animals know it. For a social species, being able to alert the group to the presence of a predator is incredibly important, and one of the most … Continue reading

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Mixed Signals? Blue Jays (Usually) Know What To Do

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Animals acquire information from their environment in many different ways, one important method being communication with other animals.  This communication is heavily reliant on signaling.  Many of these signals are complex, having multiple components to them.  These signals have often been … Continue reading

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