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Navigation without GPS: How Ants Use Ultraviolet Light to Orient Themselves

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If I am lost and need to find my way home, I grab my phone and turn on the GPS. However, animals do not have this option. They need to be able to find their way home based on their … Continue reading

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Superb Lyrebirds or Superb Liarbirds? Female Oscines Possess Elaborate Mimetic Vocal Displays

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Superb Lyrebirds or Superb Liarbirds? Female Oscines Possess Elaborate Mimetic Vocal Displays In the bird world, it is a well-known fact that much of the elaborate vocalizations of males is due to sexual selection. If you’re a male, you better … Continue reading

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Penguins can Introduce Themselves as Well: Vocal Individuality in Penguin Contact Calls

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Michael Kim Penguins can Introduce Themselves as Well: Vocal Individuality in Penguin Contact Calls Communication plays a pivotal role in all living species. Functions of communication can span from signaling for detection to displaying complex mating vocalizations.Vocalizations of bird species … Continue reading

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A Quick Lesson in Raven Grammar

From seemingly simple statements to the sophistications of poetry, human language is incredibly complex. There is enormous unconscious cognitive effort behind extracting precise information from speech, which is ultimately a series of sounds varying in frequency, intensity and timing. Meaning … Continue reading

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Is This My Egg? Links Between Brood Parasitism and and Egg Pattern Diversity

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For many avian species, raising young is a very large investment.  Instead of doing it themselves, some birds use a method called brood parasitism, leaving an egg or multiple eggs in a host bird’s nest to be raised there.  This … Continue reading

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Adapting to Rapid Environmental Change: Developmental plasticity in Vision and Behavior of Guppies

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Environmental pollution has become one of the biggest concern to the human race. Ironically, although we suffer from pollution, we are also the biggest contributor to pollution. Pollution not only affects human health but also poses a major threat to … Continue reading

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Potty talk; Communication through urine among male Tilapia

The urine of male tilapia fish contains information about the male’s dominance. Males use this information to communicate their social dominance to other males. This acts as a competition deterrent amongst males. Male fish showed decreased aggressive responses when exposed … Continue reading

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Air-Borne Directions: How Olfactory Cues Help Gulls Navigate Long-Distance Migration

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Migratory birds fly over thousands of kilometers in order to visit breeding or non-breeding grounds every year. Once migrator birds become experienced adults, they develop the ability of true navigation. True navigation consists of picking up cues in unfamiliar areas … Continue reading

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Gall Lab attends the 2016 Animal Behavior Meeting

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Hi Everyone!  The Gall lab is back from the 2016 Animal Behavior Society Meeting. In attendance were Dr. Gall, Julia Beatini and Tim Boycott. We saw lots of great talks and got to connect with lots of friends and colleagues! … Continue reading

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Lost and Confused: The Effect of Magnetic Pulses on Orientation of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster

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Although, we humans must rely on compasses and google maps to guide us, a diverse range of animals possess the incredible ability to detect the earth’s magnetic field, allowing them to migrate accurately over astonishing distances. These animals are able … Continue reading

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