Author Archives: megall

Gall Lab featured on NPR!

NPR recently interviewed Dr. Gall about her new paper with Gall Lab alums (Tim Boycott and Jingyi Gao).  There is a web piece and there will be a radio piece on All Things Considered!

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Gall Lab Publishes in PLoS One

Gall Lab alumni Tim Boycottand Jingyi Gao, together with Dr. Gall, have published their URSI work on deer browsing and acoustic communication in PLOS One.  You can find the paper here. Congratulations Tim and Jingyi!  

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Gall Lab Publishes in Hormones and Behavior!

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Check out our new paper in Hormones and Behavior!  We’ve even made the cover!

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Julia and Megan are inducted into Sigma Xi

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Congratulations to Megan de Koning (left) and Julia Beatini (right) on their induction as associate members into Sigma Xi.  Megan and Julia have both done great work on the Northern Saw-whet Owl project!  Megan and Julia did great work presenting … Continue reading

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