VHP Student Spotlight: Michaela Coplen

The following is an interview conducted with Michaela Coplen, a fellow VHP’er! She shares how her prior experiences led her to the Vassar Haiti Project, along with a poem that she wrote in honor of her trip to Gerin, Haiti.
Jenga, by lantern light
for the people of Gerin, Haiti
Nearby mamá learns a tree timber to bend around her body
and girls fill the spaces between their teeth with coconut and smiles

Link to original post in Vassar Haiti Project

Picturing Democracy: Portraits in the 19th Century

Today’s post comes from Olivia Zisman, class of 2016 and Art Center Student Docent.
On Friday, April 10th, the Art Center’s current exhibition, Through the Looking Glass: Daguerreotype Masterworks from the Dawn of Photography, opened with a lecture by John Wood, one of the premier historians of early photography, and author of several books on daguerreotypes that are widely recognized as landmark publications

Link to original post in Off the Wall