Fried Rice Recipe!

(Photo credit: YouTube)
Fried Rice is one of those classic left over dishes, useful for when you need a quick tasty meal and have a ton of random left over food in your fridge (especially rice!)
For those who don’t have left overs but still want this tasty treat, here’s  a  quick recipe featuring baby carrots and peas!
2 cups white rice (preferably cold, the best is rice cooked a day before)
4 cups water
2/3 cups of chopped carrots
1/2 cup frozen green peas
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 eggs
Soy Sauce
Sesame oil (optional)

In a saucepan, combine water and rice. Bring to a boil

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The 15th Annual Art Sale of the Vassar Haiti Project

This past September, the Vassar Haiti Project had our first art sale of the school year! This annual sale, which takes place over Vassar College’s Parents Weekend, normally occurs in April; however, for the 2015-16 school year, Vassar held Parents Weekend in September. For the first time ever, VHP’s “April Sale” took place in September

Link to original post in Vassar Haiti Project