MMiller Aporia and Conversion. Critical Discussion of RE Allen’s Plato’s Parmenides (RM 87)
MMiller Arguments I Seem to Hear [On Plato’s Crito] (Phronesis 96)
MMiller Beginning the Longer Way (Cambridge Companion to Plato’s Republic ed. Ferrari 07)
MMiller The Choice between the Dialogues and the ‘Unwritten Teachings’ (Third Way, ed Gonzalez 1995)
MMiller on Clay, _Gaps in the Universe of the Platonic Dialogues_ (BACAP 87)
MMiller Dialectical Education and Unwritten Teachings in Plato’s Statesman 2004
MMiller Figure, Ratio, Form [Apeiron 32, 4]
MMiller ‘First of all.’ On the Semantics and Ethics of Hesiod’s Cosmogony (Anc Phil 01)
MMiller God-Given Way [on dialectic in Plato’s Philebus and Statesman] (BACAP 90) mm
MMiller Implicit Logic of Hesiod’s Cosmogony (Independent Journal of Philosophy 83)-optimized
MMiller On Dmitri Nikulin Dialectic and Dialogue Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 32.1 11
MMiller Unity and Logos. A Reading of Theaetetus 201c-210a (Ancient Philosophy 92)
MMiller Parmenides 143d-144a and the Pebble-Arithmetical Representation of Number (July 2021)
MMiller Platonic Mimesis [on dialogue structure] (99)
Miller Plato’s Parmenides- The Conversion of the Soul (Princeton 86, Penn State 91)
MMiller on Sayre on Statesman (JIPS 07)
MMiller Beginning the Longer Way (Cambridge Companion to Plato’s Republic ed. Ferrari 07)
MMiller Unity and Logos. A Reading of Theaetetus 201c-210a (Ancient Philosophy 92)
MMiller Unwritten Teachings in Plato’s Parmenides (Rev Met 95)
MMiller What the Dialectician Discerns (Anc Phil 36,2)
M Miller What the Dialectician Discerns: A New Reading of Sophist 253d-e (Anc Phil 2016)