The Library Cafe Fall 2016 Season


The LIbrary Cafe is a radio interview program broadcast Wednesdays at Noon during the academic year on WVKR (91.3FM) hosted by Vassar Art Librarian Thomas Hill.  Featured each week are conversations with authors, artists, curators, and librarians about books, exhibitions, libraries, and the formation and circulation of knowledge. The program begins for the 2016-17 academic year on Wednesday, September 21 at noon.  On the roster for this semester are the renowned  American moral philosopher Martha C. Nussbaum,  Vassar professors Michael H. McCarthy and Yvonne Elet. and four distinguished Vassar alumnae, including art historian Gloria Kury (VC’65), Jungian psychotherapist and writer Sally V. Keil (VC ’68) and the medievalist, manuscript specialist, and scholarly impressario Mildred Budney (VC’71). The program will continue a special series on the role of the liberal arts in contemporary society with an interview with the authors Adam Michaels and Jeffrey V. Schnapp (VC’75), who will discuss the Inventory Press reprint of Maurice Stein and Larry Miller’s educational manifesto for the Vietnam era, Blueprint for Counter Education.  Also featured will be two public librarians who have published new literary works, the short story writer Maureen Millea Smith and poet Stella Beratlis.  In addition, Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center curator Patricia Phagan will talk about the exhibition Celebrating Heroes: American Mural Studies from the 1930s and 1940s from the Stephen and Susan Hirsch Collection, on view September 2 – December 18, 2016 at the Center.  Finally we will be talking with two artists exhibiting in the Art Library and Art Center this autumn, Barbara Beisinghoff and Mark Dion.


Reunion 2016!

Using the card catalog , ca 1975

Using the card catalog , ca 1975

We’re so excited to welcome back our alums this weekend. There are so many fabulous events planned it will be hard to choose among them, but don’t forget to stop by the Library! Come in and visit with the Lady Cornaro, sit in your favorite study spot, and see all the changes that have happened since you left.

To get revved up for the festivities, view our Facebook gallery to see if your class can party like its 1925!


Image of the Sun taken by Maria Mitchell and her students in the 1880s


Friday, June 10, 10:15, Main Library, Exhibit Area
Presentation by Laura Streett, Vassar College Archivist, on Special Collection’s current exhibit: Seeing the Sun: Maria Mitchell’s Observations, 1868-1888.The exhibit features19 never-before-seen prints made from glass photographic plates re-discovered at the college’s Observatory in 1997. The exhibition also includes other photographs, historical documents, artifacts, and samples of Mitchell’s writings.


Archives & Special Collections



Special Collections will be closed this reunion but we look forward to seeing you soon. Please stop in to see our Maria Mitchell exhibit in the Main Library.


Thompson Memorial Library 

libcomp combo

Library computing – yesterday and today!

Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Saturday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon

Art Library

art lib combo - Copy

Art library, pre- and post-renovations

Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Saturday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday, 9:00 am – 12 noon

Music Library

Music combo shorter

Music Library, including new classroom (right)

Friday, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Saturday, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
CLOSED on Sunday

The zine life of Matt

My name’s Matt, and I’m the zine intern. I work for & with Heidy Berthoud, Head of Technical Services. Since I’m the first zine intern my responsibilities vary day-to-day, but I mostly just help Heidy do whatever she needs done with our zines. As a student employee, I don’t do a lot of the metadata stuff, but I do read & research the zines so that I can summarize them for the online catalogs (yeah I wrote a lot of those awkward and incomplete zine descriptions). That part of the job is a lot of fun, and has helped me learn loads about zines that I never would’ve otherwise, which has been really helpful to me because I’m also writing about the archived zine for my thesis.

I also help with zine outreach stuff. Most of the library outreach takes place on campus, but I sometimes get to off campus events too, like the Poughkeepsie Mini Makers Faire, where the zine library hosted a table visited (to my surprise) by an hourly llama parade. I liked that. Most of the outreach work, however, is preparation and desk work – putting together Vassar Zine Library zines and zinemaking resource packets, meeting with other students making zines for their orgs, critiquing the Libguide, writing bits like this for the zine library…


I’m lucky to have been given a lot of freedom directing my work, which I’ve really valued – especially since Vassar’s zine collection is so new. Heidy has been extremely considerate of my input on everything from shelving & display to database search terms & subject headings. I’ve also learned a lot about library operations while here (thanks Tracy for teaching me how to sew bindings!).

By the end of the semester I hope to create something (a zine?) to reflect my thoughts on the zine library, what I’ve gotten from working there, how I might change it in the future, that kind of stuff. Working in the zine library has shifted my understanding of library resources and their use, especially by allowing me to read some of the librarian-made zines in our collections, like Lower East Side Librarian, The Borough Is My Library, Librarians and Archivists to Palestine and others (see picture of some librarian-made zines below).


Overall, I think I have the best student job on campus and I’m really thankful to be doing what I am. Also, I hope they renew this position for next year!

Note from Heidy:

Matt Higgins is our wonderful and gracious “zintern.” If you would like to know more about Matt or zines or the Vassar Zine Library, please join us on Wednesday, April 27th, for a Zines 101 workshop in the Class of ’51 Reading Room of the Main Library from 3:00-4:30.