October Break at the Library

Library fall

It’s October break already?! A week off from regularly schedule classes is a great opportunity to focus on doing some research for term papers and other end of semester assignments, and your Research Librarians are available to help!

With the exception of Friday October 11,  the library will be open regular hours over break (see the HOURS link on the library home page). However, please note that the after-hours study space will be closed. Research librarians will be on call weekdays 8:30-5:00 as well as 6-9 Sunday 10/20. We’re also available via email, phone, chat and text – see the Ask a Librarian page for how to get in touch with us.

If you’re going away for break but need to use the library’s electronic resources, you’ll need to log into the campus network via the Off-Campus Access link on the lower right side of the library’s home page. [Note: the link will only work if you’re actually off campus!]

The only exception is Refworks – if you want to use it from off-campus, you’ll need to put in the Group Code RWVassar, then your username and password.

If you’re looking for some light reading over break, consider checking out one of the library’s circulating kindles which are loaded with almost 100 best-selling and prize winning books.

The Mark of the Renaissance Printer

Posted on behalf of Katherine Durr, 2013 Vassar Ford Scholar

The marks of Wechel, Albrecht, Cavellatt and Worde.

The marks of Wechel, Albrecht, Cavellatt and Worde.

Over the summer, I worked as a Ford Scholar on a project entitled The Mark of the Renaissance Printer: Developing a Digital Humanities Project on Printers’ Marks in the Windows of the Vassar College Library with Professor Ronald Patkus, Director of Archives and Special Collections. The focus of this project began with the arched windows in the north and south wings of the Thompson Memorial Library, as well as the large, central window in the Class of 1951 Reading Room. Each of these windows contains one or many printer’s marks – symbols and monograms developed by European printers, publishers, and booksellers during the 15th and 16th centuries. Eighty-two of these marks were installed in the original library, however, due to renovations, only sixty-six remain today.  They represent printers from nine geographical regions throughout Europe. Prior to beginning my research, the only available information regarding these windows was contained in a now outdated pamphlet published by Vassar librarians in 1917. This document featured the names of the printers, their years of activity, and images of their marks, but did not include biographical information, historical context, and explanations of the marks themselves, information that library visitors often are curious about.

Thierry Martens, 1473

Mark of Thierry Martens, 1473.

My central goal was to compile biographies for each printer, charting their innovations in the art of printing, as well as taking into account their cultural involvements – both religious and political. I also compiled descriptions of the printers’ marks.  Because many of these printers were active during the years of the Protestant Reformation, much of my research revealed significant developments and lines of influence among those involved with the publication of both sacred and secular texts. For example, printers who generally published Christian works – usually Bibles, the literary works of saints, and papal documents – often included elements of Christian symbolism in their marks and printing devices. Whereas those involved in the publication of popular humanist texts adopted more personal emblems, frequently including Classical and commercial motifs. In addition to demonstrating greater historical involvements, the marks and monograms of printers indicate patterns of stylistic influence, clear within circles of printing presses, publishing houses, and very often, families. Most marks underwent several stages of evolution and variation throughout decades – even centuries – of activity.  Accordingly, my initial focus opened up from a study of Vassar’s own history into a tracing of both the development of printing and its lines of visual and cultural transmission.

Jacques Bouchet, 1522-1545

Mark of Jacques Bouchet, 1522-1545

After writing these biographies and visual analyses of the marks themselves and compiling corresponding bibliography, I published my entries to a website within Vassar’s Digital Library. In my efforts to enhance Vassar’s digital archives and to preserve our own visual and historical artifacts, I also hope to contribute to a larger area of research and scholarship, known as the digital humanities. This growing field explores the benefits of transferring materials and resources into more organized, widely available domains.

2013 Banned Books Week at Vassar

It may seem hard to believe that many institutions ban certain books from circulation and forbid the reading of them. There are some obvious and famous examples of books being banned in school systems; such as Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn or Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species. There are also some not-so obvious instances, like the children’s books The Witches or James and the Giant Peach both by Roald Dahl.

In the last week of September, the American Library Association promotes Banned Books Week, an awareness campaign for censorship of media in today’s culture. This year BBW will be from September 22nd to 28th and Vassar is proudly participating. Within Main Library there will be information posted about resources that are “banned” and “challenged.” Additionally, bookmarks will be available for students to take, detailing the disputes of specific cases. Be sure to check out the displays and a book!

BBW began in 1982 by Judith Krug as a response to First Amendment decisions which applied to libraries, bookstores, schools, and intellectual freedoms. Teaching “the importance of our First Amendment rights and the power of literature,” and drawing “attention to the danger that exists when restraints are imposed on the availability of information in a free society.” In 2012, ALA celebrated the 30th anniversary of BBW with an interactive timeline of significant challenges for each year.

The timeline can be found here: 30th Anniversary Timeline.

More information about BBW can be found at ALA.org and around Main Library!