Feature in “Chemists amid coronavirus: 2020 in review”

I am one of the chemists featured in the @ChemistryWorld update article "Chemists amid coronavirus: 2020 in review" & I am grateful to report that my situation has been improving steadily🙏🏾👩🏾‍🔬#Thankful #pandemiclife #academiclife #momlife #BlackandSTEM https://t.co/MWgt1PSXsL https://t.co/wKqRtZK2Rd pic.twitter.com/F7gJ7OaDyO — Dr. Krystle J McLaughlin (@biophyskrys) January 5, 2021

Chemistry World Interview

Had the opportunity to talk to @ChemistryWorld about my experience during this time, how it has affected my @Vassar research, teaching, and life in general. -KM From Chemistry World: Protein x-ray crystallographer Krystle McLaughlin talks about lab life on hold, not far from the epicentre of the US coronavirus outbreak: here. 

Summer in the Lab

This summer we welcomed three research students, Justas Rodarte ’19 (who is a returning member) and Sharika Hasan ’19 through the Vassar URSI program, and Gabi James ’22 through the DIR program. As of July 1st, we already have some beautiful data- check out Sharika’s our enzyme assay below:

Dr. McLaughlin appointed Chair of AIP LCURM

Dr. McLaughlin has been appointed the chair of the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Liaison Committee on Underrepresented Minorities.  AIP LCURM is composed of a designee from each of the ten AIP Member Societies, as well as from NSBP, NSHP, and SPS. The purpose of LCURM is to reduce under representation in the physical sciences, Read more about Dr. McLaughlin appointed Chair of AIP LCURM[…]

Dr. McLaughlin Elected to ACA Communications Committee

Congrats to Dr. Krystle McLaughlin who has been elected to the standing Communications Committee of the American Crystallographic Association.  She will be joining Katrina Forest, Jim Fettinger and Brian Patrick on this committee, to serve a four-year term. She was also re-elected to serve another term as the Secretary for the ACA Biological Macromolecules SIG. Read more about Dr. McLaughlin Elected to ACA Communications Committee[…]