International Profile 3# – Samana Shrestha


Samana Shrestha, Class of ’18

International Profile 3#

The International community is highly diverse and welcoming. This week, we will meet Samana Shrestha, Vassar 2018’!!!!

Samana is from: Nepal/ Nepali/ KathmanduI

She is majoring in: Math and Computer Science and Art

“I like mixing art and tech and design. Also I like numbers and playing around with them. “

Any fun fact about your campus commitment?

Barefoot monkeys! I love how it gives a break from studying and gets me actively moving.
 Drawing comic images for the Miscellany: I like stick figures and humor.
Sometimes help with sets for student theatre. I just like building.

One of the moments you feel very homesick.

Food makes me homesick. Seeing parents during families weekend makes me homesick. I just talk to my family and sisters and hang out with friends whose parents aren’t here :P”

What or who gives you the sense of belonging and how?

“My friends. The wide range of friends, both American and international, that I surround myself with.”

One food you miss the most from your home country.

MOMOS. They’re like dumplings. But better. Nepali dumplings.

One of the most precious moments at Vassar.

“When I instinctively started talking to a very close American friend in Nepali because I’d gotten that comfortable with her.”
What’s the first thing\story that pop into mind for the word “international”?

“My group of international friends here at Vassar!”

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