Tag Archives: es291

This is Rory

Hey my name is Rory! I’m taking this course because I’m interested in learning more about the Hudson Valley and also have some rural/farming memories in my background so its fun to get back to my roots a bit. But better than that, I’ve made some new goat and cow friends and ate their cheese! Maybe they like me too much, I had a hard time escaping as you can see.  This is my new favorite jazz band, check em out.

Rory, goat, sprout creek farm, es291


Hi fellow goat admirers – I’m Jane Cardona. Here is a picture of me and my new goat friend, who is elegantly sporting my headphones. The goats at Sprout Creek took a liking to these headphones today (particularly the taste). Sometimes they listen to Bob Marley while they milk!


I took this class to learn about Agriculture in the Hudson Valley and because Friday farm jaunts sounded exciting.


My name is David McConnell. I am a double-major in Religion and Asian Studies, currently taking this course to discover more about local communities. I hail from Cambridge, Mass and came to Vassar because its amazing professors. I am a sophomore and will be studying abroad at the University of Capetown, next year.1959934_10203743744980908_1006377739_n