Elizabeth Coonley Faulkner Thesis Prize ONLY OPEN TO JUNIORS Step 1 of 2 50% Personal dataName* First Last Email* Vassar ID Number*Major(s) Select all that apply*Africana StudiesAmerican CultureAmerican StudiesAnthropology-SociologyAnthropologyArtArt HistoryArt StudioAsian StudiesAstronomyBiochemistryBiologyChemistryChineseClassics: Ancient SocietiesClassics: GreekClassics: LatinComputer ScienceCognitive ScienceDramaEconomicsEducational StudiesEnglishEnvironmental StudiesEarth ScienceEarth Science and SocietyFilmFrench & Francophone StudiesGeography-AnthropologyGeography/GeologyGeographyGeologyGerman StudiesGreekGreek/LatinGreek and Roman StudiesHispanic StudiesHistoryIndependent ProgramInternational StudiesItalianJapaneseJewish StudiesLatin/GreekLatin American & Latino/a StdsLatin American StudiesLatinMathematics/Computer ScienceMathematicsMedia StudiesMedieval & Renaissance StudiesMusicNeuroscience and BehaviorPhilosophyPhysicsPolitical SciencePsychologyReligionRussian StudiesSociologyScience, Technology & SocietyUndeclaredUrban StudiesVictorian StudiesWomen's StudiesCorrelate(s) Select all that applyAFRS: Arabic Lang & CultAfricana StudiesAMCL: Native American StudiesAMST: Native American StudiesAnthropologyArt HistoryArt StudioASIA: Asian American StudiesAsian StudiesAstronomyBIOL: Cellular/Molecular BiolBIOL: Animal PhysiologyBIOL: Ecology/EvolutionBIOL: Behavior/NeurobiologyBiologyChemistryChineseClassics: Ancient SocietiesClassicsClassics: GreekClassics: LatinComputer ScienceECON: International EconomicsECON: Public PolicyECON: Quantitative EconomicsEducational StudiesENGL: Race & EthnicityENGL: Literacy Theory/Cult StuENGL: Poetry & PoeticsENGL: Literary FormsENGL: British Literary HistoryENGL: American Literary HistENGL: Creative WritingENST:SustainabilityEnvironmental ScienceEarth ScienceFrench & Francophone StudiesGEOG: Environmental Land-UseGEOG: Society & SpaceGeographyGerman StudiesGreekGreek and Roman StudiesHispanic StudiesHistoryItalianJapaneseJewish StudiesLatin American & Latino/a StdsLatin American StudiesLatinMathematicsMedieval & Renaissance StudiesMUSI: Music HistoryMUSI: Music TheoryMUSI: Music CompositionMUSI: Music and CulturePHIL: Aesthetics and Phil ArtPHIL: Comparative PhilosophyPHIL: Ethics/Social/PoliticalPHIL: Continental PhilosophyPHIL: History Western PhilPHIL: Analytic PhilosophyPhysicsPOLI: American PoliticsPOLI: Comparative PoliticsPOLI: International PoliticsPOLI: Political TheoryReligionRussian StudiesUrban StudiesVictorian StudiesWomen's StudiesHave you received awards or honors while at Vassar?*noyesList the name(s) of the award(s) and the year(s) granted:*Name of AwardYear Granted Application DetailsStatement of purpose and plan for the thesis, essay or project.*List of materials available in the Washington area that might be consulted in connection with the work.*Supporting DocumentsTranscript* Please upload your transcript from AskBanner saved as a PDF.*Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 1,000 MB. Below is a preview of what you are about to submit. Please check it carefully as you will not be able to revisit the application after submission.{all_fields} Δ