Watson Preliminary Application

"*" indicates required fields

Project titles are intended to be understood by a wide audience. Convey what you intend to do on this year. Be careful about being clever at the expense of clarity.
If awarded, the project title and a project summary will appear on the Watson Foundation website.
In your personal statement, you should discuss why you chose your topic, how it developed out of previous interests or experiences, and how it represents a new challenge. You may also want to describe your background, your college years, your professional goals and aspirations, and your reasons for seeking a Watson Fellowship. It should be clear from your personal statement why, of all the topics you could have chosen, you chose this one.
The project proposal is read in tandem with your Personal Statement, so you need not repeat information already provided there. You should describe your plan for the 12-month fellowship year, including a description of your project, details about how you intend to carry it out, and opportunities and challenges that are unique to it. Please do not include a bibliography or footnotes.
Select all that apply. Keep in mind that you cannot travel to countries that are on a State Department Warning, Treasury Embargo or are designated CDC Level 3. Hold down the CTRL or Command key to select multiple countries.
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.
Applicants should include an unofficial transcript; Create a single pdf that includes your transcript and current schedule from Ask Banner. *pdf only
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 32 MB.
Please upload a current resume or CV that details your education, employment, activities, and awards.