Prize Ceremony Recognition Form Senior Prize Recognition Form This brief recognition is read by the Dean of Studies at the Prize Ceremony the Saturday before Commencement. As families will be attending, you may wish to speak with your student about their preferred name and pronouns for this event. Please note that this form is only needed for SENIORS, as only seniors receive recognition of their prizes at the prize ceremony. All students receive their prizes after commencement.Your Name* First Last Name of the Prize* Your department or program*Africana StudiesAmerican CultureAmerican StudiesAnthropologyAnthropology-SociologyArabicArtArt HistoryArt StudioAsian StudiesAstronomyBiochemistryBiologyBiopsychology (See NEUR)ChemistryChineseChinese/JapaneseClassics (See GRST)Classics (See GRST)Classics: Greek (See GRST)Classics: Latin (See GRST)Cognitive ScienceCollege CourseComputer ScienceDanceDramaEarth ScienceEarth Science and SocietyEconomicsEducationEnglishEnvironmental StudiesEnvr Science (No Longer Used)FilmFrench & Francophone StudiesGeographyGeography-AnthropologyGeology (see ESCI)GermanGreek (See GRST)Greek and Roman StudiesHebrewHindiHispanic StudiesHistoryIndependent ProgramInterdepartmentalInternational StudiesIrish/GaelicItalianJapaneseJewish StudiesKoreanLatin (See GRST)Latin American & Latino/a StdsLatin American StudiesMathematicsMedia StudiesMedia Studies Develpmt ProjectMedieval/Renaissance StudiesMusicNeuroscience and BehaviorPhilosophyPhysical EducationPhysicsPolitical SciencePortuguesePsychologyReligionRussianScience,Technology & SocietySociologySwahiliSwedishTurkishUrban StudiesVictorian StudiesWomen's StudiesYiddishNondepartmentalRecipient's Name* First Last Please briefly summarize the reason the student is receiving this prize. Please do not repeat the name of the prize in the recognition or include information about a student's GPA.* Δ