Category Archives: 2022-2023

Multi-use teaching tool with iPad pro

Awardee: Jaime L. Del Razo Semester of Award: 2022-2023 Materials Awarded: iPad, field cover, keyboard cover, iPad pencil Project Description: For the past seven years, I have organized and executed “The Launch” on the Vassar campus. It is an annual … Continue reading

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Afro-Caribbean Women Teachers

Awardee: Kimberly Williams Brown Semester of Award: 2022-2023 Materials Awarded: I purchased the MAXQDA software Project Description: I used the software to help me organize and code qualitative data collected through semi-structured interviews, focus groups and intergroup dialogue methodology. One … Continue reading

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“Using Digital Technology to Recreate the Analog Writing Environment.”

Awardee: Matt Schultz Semester of Award: 2022-2023 Materials Awarded: Two iPads and iPencils Project Description: The iPads were used during Writing Center consultations as a way of taking conversations notes that could then be easily uploaded to a Google Doc … Continue reading

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Bringing the fossil record to life

Awardee: Zachary Cofran Semester of Award: 2022-2023 Materials Awarded: Anycubic MonoX 6K (resin 3D printer and Wash+Cure machine) Project Description: I purchased a resin 3D printer, in order to create high-resolution 3D models of human fossils for my teaching and … Continue reading

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