Update: Amanda and Isabella

This week, Isabella and I experienced a minor setback on our project. While I made a concerted effort to save our iMovie project so that it could be accessed from multiple computers, some part of the files didn’t transfer properly and all was lost! I, as is my custom, went straight to panic mode, but Isabella seemed relatively unfazed by the whole situation. I envy her ability to remain calm and composed under such circumstances. For the rest of your meetings (there are only two! ahhh!) I will bring my laptop to class so that we can safeguard our progress.

Although we weren’t able to get any farther on the construction of the story, Isabella and I did have the opportunity to discuss how she wants to narrate the images and text. We talked a lot about poems, and decided that we are going to try to find some poems related to crew that we can record her reading. I am planning on bringing in some example poems to our next class as inspiration. I found some poems about rowing on here. I hope that in our next meeting, we will have a concrete idea of what needs to be done on our project so that it is ready to be shared with the class. I also hope that we will have no more computer problems!

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