Shemona’s Biography

Hi, my name is Shemona-Gay Nicola Ann Lawrence. I love listening to music, playing with my friends, and just basically having a good time. In my free-time I enjoying relaxing and reading a good book( especially) vampire books. My friends and my teacher are mostly my motivation they let me know that  I can do anything I set my mind too as long as  I try my hardest and not let people get to me. My life as a student in Poughkeepsie Middle School is not exactly easy. I try my best to put my mind to my work and so far its kind of going uphill and most of the time it is going downhill. I want to be a straight A student and that is still my goal.My favorite subject by far is E.L.A. In E.L.A. I learn mostly about the history of people back in the day that went through harder things in life than our parents went through when they were kids. This is the first time i have actually thought of being in another circle of group  except  from my friends and i really think it is going to be a great experience.

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