Reading, Writing, and Rising Up

I just read the book Reading, Writing, and Rising Up for the Multidisciplinary Methods seminar and I wanted to share the resource with the class. The author of the book is Linda Christensen, who has 24 years experience as a literacy teacher. I would recommend this book because Christensen is writing from a place of both experience and passion. The text contains unit descriptions, lessons, and sample worksheets and handouts. She also supplements the information with classroom anecdotes and examples of student work.

Throughout the text, it is evident that Christensen has developed and shared her curriculum because she genuinely loves teaching literacy and her students.  She is upfront about both her struggles and triumphs in the classroom and has created a resource for teachers because she empathizes with their challenges and wishes to help. She wants every educator to have the tools to create a classroom in which students work “together in a community to make meaning and to make change” (Christensen 182). Although the text does not explicitly address technology, the lessons could definitely be adapted to include digital literacy skills. I hope you all check it out!

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