Shemona’s Final Presentation

Shemona has been working on a poem she wrote called “True Love.” Last week, Shemona created an awesome podcast in Audacity where she recorded herself reading the poem and combined it with clips from a song she likes called “Mr. Wrong.” But the computer we used crashed and I couldn’t get it to work all week, so we don’t have the podcast ready to present.

Instead, Shemona can read her poem out loud to the audience and we can play the song in the background. She can explain a little bit about why she chose to put the song and the poem together.

Here is the song:



today i read my poem and combined it and the song together and it came out really good. my boyfriend also came and he really like it . im kinda bummed out because we did not have enough time for the video.i did not want a video. im shy  but i love her thats worth it. today was a good day……………


These are some quotes Shemona likes that she wants to include in her video:

if you dont like me,someone else will,if your not missing me someone else is.if your dont love me someone else will.  (-drake)


you cant lose what you never had,you cant keep whats not yours, and you cant hold onto something that does not want to stay. (-drake)


you said i love you and i said it too. the only difference is i dont lie to you (-drake)


dont be flattered that he misses you, he should miss you however, he’s still the same person who broke your heart remember,the only reason he can miss you is because he’s choosing everyday not to be with you. (-drake)


i got a small circle circle ,i’m not with different crews. we walk on the same path but we got on different shoes.(-drake)


i just kinda do what i feel. i never knew what lane i would fill. i didnt even really contemplate that far down the road. i just started having fun.once i put that into perspective it was like everything just got easier for me,because i no longer wanted to fit in anybody’s box. i just wanted to be shemona (-nicki minaji)


a woman has the last word in any argument, anything a man says starts a new argument (-nicki minaji)


Hi this is the 4th time i have been here and so far my project is going really well.

this song that i will be singing …well lets just hope it goes good. i hope that when you guys

here my poem and the song that my perspective of you guys being the kids in the program

who knows me changes so you can think of me being more than a MEAN and OBNOXIOUS

person, because i really do have  heart.

– shemona <3 <3


Update: Shemona and Rachel

Today i talked about doing one of mary j. bliges song ( my life) to kind of express my poem  and how it relates to my life and what im tryin to explain is that some things are never easy for me no matter how i may seem. (-Shemona)

In her video, Shemona wants to sing parts of the Mary J Blige song and then rap parts of the poem she wrote. Both the song and the poem have similar themes and she thinks the song really expresses what she wants to say. Then we are going to choose pictures and quotes to put in the background of the video. I think it’s awesome that she feels inspired by the song and wants to combine music with the poem she wrote. (-Rachel)

Update: Shemona and Rachel

This week Shemona wrote a rap about her life. She typed it up and emailed it to herself and to Rachel so we would both have copies. We also started choosing pictures for Shemona to put into her music video. They are pictures of herself, rap stars that she likes, and quotes that inspire her. Next week we will work on editing the rap lyrics and continuing to put the video together.

Shemona’s Biography

Hi, my name is Shemona-Gay Nicola Ann Lawrence. I love listening to music, playing with my friends, and just basically having a good time. In my free-time I enjoying relaxing and reading a good book( especially) vampire books. My friends and my teacher are mostly my motivation they let me know that  I can do anything I set my mind too as long as  I try my hardest and not let people get to me. My life as a student in Poughkeepsie Middle School is not exactly easy. I try my best to put my mind to my work and so far its kind of going uphill and most of the time it is going downhill. I want to be a straight A student and that is still my goal.My favorite subject by far is E.L.A. In E.L.A. I learn mostly about the history of people back in the day that went through harder things in life than our parents went through when they were kids. This is the first time i have actually thought of being in another circle of group  except  from my friends and i really think it is going to be a great experience.