Elysia: your TA!



My name is Elysia and I have the distinct pleasure of working with this spring’s adolescent literacy class!

A little about myself: I graduated from Vassar last May with a major in Urban Studies and correlates in Elementary Education and American Politics. This past fall I completed my student teaching as a post-bac with the Dean’s program and have stuck around to continue my work with Residential Life and the Education Department. Since freshman year I have been lucky enough to work with the Vassar Education Department in several capacities and I’m very excited to be back working with Erin and all of you!

Feel free to contact me at anglover@vassar.edu with any questions or comments you may have about this site or the course more generally.

Past digital media experience includes digital photography, a culinary blog and a personal website for last summer’s cross country cycling trip with the organization Bike and Build.



Michelle’s Bio


Hi! This is me!

Michelle Martineau, sophomore at Vassar College

The big thing you need to know about me: my favorite flavor of ice cream is Moose Tracks!

Seriously though:
I’ve lived in Alexandria, Virginia, a city right next to D.C., in the same house for my whole life. Ask me anytime and I’ll give you all the gossip on our little city. We have surprisingly small-town style politics for such a big place. It’s probably because we only have one high school for the whole city, T.C. Williams. You may remember it from that movie, Remember the Titans? Yep, that’s us. And we’re actually really terrible at football (like haven’t even won the homecoming game in 20 years bad) and don’t even get me started on all the other stuff…

But now I’m at Vassar. I’m majoring in Religion and I’m on the ski team here. I’ve also been tutoring with the VAST program for a couple years, so I’m sure you’ll be hearing stories about that. But enough about school! I like to be outside and have fun! So to achieve this lofty goal my boyfriend and I took month-and-a-half-long road trip this past summer. We went to a big music festival in Tennessee and then farmed our way home (by helping out on a couple small farms in exchange for room and board). Here’s a little bit of what we did:
