Podcast of Spring Break: The Plastic Surgeons of Horrible Pop Music

We made it! Spring Break is upon us. The sun is shining. The snow is melting. Things are looking up.

These changes are rather drastic, especially in comparison to the snow, homework, clouds, midterms, and snow that have filled the semester thus far. In honor of such change, which we can all agree is for the better, this Podcast of Spring Break will follow suit.

Jazz pianist and composer Scott Bradlee made a name for himself by releasing reworked pop songs on YouTube in the late 2000s. This passion eventually spawned Postmodern Jukebox, a group of incredibly talented musicians that perform current pop songs in the styles of jazz, ragtime, and even country music of years past, just to name a few. To Bradlee, these collaborations between ‘high’ and ‘low’ art reflect the fact that songs, like people, can grow and change without losing their identities. Below are just a few videos of such collaborations that change once familiar songs into new works entirely, changes that are arguably all for the better. Let us know what you think!

*credit for the descriptor “the plastic surgeons of horrible pop music” goes to YouTube user Sirena Rodriguez


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