Learning While Doing Assignments

Some of my best learning experiences happened while I was struggling with an assignment: hitting my head against a calculus-wall homework, screaming aloud in frustration while taking a physical chemistry take-home exam. I also remember learning new biological concepts while taking exams. Ideally, all assignments you give to your class should not only examine mastery of concepts and material, but should also contain an element of new information, new material to learn.

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Sustainable Community Challenge: Democracy redux.

Following off of last week’s Sustainable Community Challenge to “read the local news” and to educate yourself on the issues you care about, the number one most important thing you can do this week is VOTE!
This election cycle has certainly been an interesting one, there has been a massive outpouring of money into the elections this time around from both sides on a scale that has never been seen before and the issues have certainly been contentious.
It is not our place to discuss or stance on issues or candidates, but in order for us to realize a more sustainable community and future it is necessary that we practice our civic duty to go to the polls tomorrow.

Link to original post.