Letter or Number?

How do you decide whether to grade an assignment using a letter grade scale (A, B, C, etc) or a numerical scale (percentage, points, etc)?

First, decide what the learning goals are for your assignment. Mastery of content, knowledge of specific concepts, articulation of degree of understanding? It’s a good idea to have some specific criteria in mind before you hand out the assignment, and to share those criteria with the students in your class. Here’s a great website about developing grading criteria: http://cft.

Link to original post in Teaching Tales

Photography, Environment, and Politics: Sawdust Mountain

The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center actively encourages faculty and students from across all departments and programs to view the art collection as a teaching tool and the galleries as a learning site. Perhaps this is nowhere more evident than in this fall’s half-semester course, “Photography, Environment, and Politics: Sawdust Mountain.

Link to original post in Off the Wall

A Day to Remember at the Vassar College Center: Expo on Beekeeping and Honey

Monday, the nineteenth of November is a day that was marked on all of the Coop (MLLC) members and faculty calendars since the beginning of the semester. This day would mark the culmination and celebration of the collective and individual efforts each student contributed to the process of studying Beekeeping and the Honey Queen Program (sponsored by the American Beekeeping Federation).

It all began with…

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Link to original post in the MLLC site.