Podcast: The Sound of “An Aesthetic Ecosystem”

The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center is continuing its series of event podcasts, broadcasting various Art Center happenings to the cyberworld!
This time we bring you a lecture by museum director James Mundy and a panel discussion with art dealer Eric Brown (Vassar class of 1990) of the Tibor de Nagy Gallery in New York, Williams College Museum of Art curator emerita Deborah Rothschild (Vassar class of 1971), and collector Jonathan Kagan. This mixed group of individuals and the intricate web of relationships among them informed our discussion on the business of building a collection, the main theme of the talk.

Link to original post in Off the Wall

Building a Class Community

Even in these days of active learning, inquiry-based courses and anti-lecture sentiment, many college students come into class hoping they won’t have to say anything out loud or have to think too hard. When I ask my students, in a first-week short writing assignment, to reflect on what kind of class format they prefer, the majority still say they prefer organized, information-rich lectures. A few like group work, but they are reluctant to trust each other to provide “what they need to learn.

Link to original post in Teaching Tales