Ship Masts and Telephone Poles: Sándor Bernáth’s Gloucester, Mass.

Today’s post comes from Natasha Mandell, class of 2016 and Art Center Student Docent.
The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center’s Spring 2013 exhibition, Recent Acquisitions: Works on Paper, showcased some of the new additions to the Art Center’s collections.

Link to original post in Off the Wall

Teaching Laboratories Under the Microscope- Part I

The Faculty Perspective
Most college science curricula still have the overall structure of three-days-per-week lecture/4 hr laboratory, at the least for the intermediate-level bread-and-butter courses. Why? What are the goals of those laboratories?
Most laboratory courses are focused on learning how to do particular field-specific techniques and how to gather and analyze particular types of data. The plan is for those laboratory sessions to engage concepts and approaches that complement what is being taught in the “lecture” component of the course.

Link to original post in Teaching Tales

Meditations, Responses, Reflections- Five ideas


Giving your class short writing assignments can be a great way to give them practice writing and thinking in the language of your scientific (or other) discipline. They also give your most shy students a way to express themselves, first in writing and then, hopefully, in class. These short writing assignments also give them practice using the language of science.

Link to original post in Teaching Tales

Earth Day Photo Contest!

Calling all photographers! Earth Day is right around the corner and you will be hearing more from us about that soon, but in the mean time send our your photos of campus by April 12th to our laundry company, MacGray, for the chance to win up to $500 and social media fame and glory!

Link to original post.