Do Course Deadlines Matter?

Have you ever gotten an email that a student sent in the middle of the night before an assignment was due:
Dear Professor,
I really hate to do this, but earlier this evening I received some really distressing news from home and I haven’t been able to concentrate on finishing my paper for your class. I’m so stressed and anxious that I will go to the student counseling center as soon as it opens, but in the meantime, I won’t be able to get my paper to you in time for class. Will it be okay if I turn it in on Wednesday instead?
Dear Professor,
I’ve been throwing up all night and am so dehydrated that I may have to go to the hospital.

Link to original post in Teaching Tales

Applications to the Resource Conservation Fund are open!

Have a great idea for how Vassar can go green and save some green at the same time?
Anyone and everyone in the Vassar community is invited to submit an idea or proposal for efforts like energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction, behavior modification, community engagement and more.
Submit your idea below and then we can then work with you to refine your application.

Link to original post.