Physics: An Antidote for Anxiety?

Today’s post comes from Olivia Zisman, class of 2016 and Art Center Student Docent.
On October 24, Professor Jenny Magnes of the physics department kicked off this year’s Artful Dodger series—now taking place at 5:00 on Thursdays during Late Night at the Lehman Loeb—with a talk about Ross Bleckner’s Symbols of the Sun and Other Planets.

Link to original post in Off the Wall

Giving Advice is Teaching

When I was growing up, it was considered rude to offer unsolicited advice. I never, ever, gave advice to others unless I was specifically asked. People had to actually say, “Could you give me some advice on this?”  I felt, “Who am I to advise this person? What do I really know anyway?”
I felt that way in high school, in college, in grad school, as a post-doc, as an assistant professor, as an associate professor.

Link to original post in Teaching Tales