Does Spring Break Re-energize our Students?

What is the purpose of spring break?
I read in a few places that the purpose of a spring break, most common originally in cold-weather regions, is to allow for the make-up of days missed because of early and mid-winter snowstorms. What a concept! In some regions, particularly for K-12 schools, the break corresponds with the Easter Holidays. Some regions organize their academic year around the Easter Holidays and end one academic term in March and begin the next after a two-week or month-long recess around Easter.

Link to original post in Teaching Tales

Haiti in Less than 24 Hours!

The spring project assessment trip to Haiti is happening in less than 24 hours! 13 VHPers will land in Port-au-Prince before making their way up to Gros Morne, to Chermaitre, and finally to Jacmel. Along the way, they will assist in a clinic day in the newly completed Chermaitre-Fiervil Clinic, and buy Haitian arts and handcrafts in Port-au-Prince.

Link to original post in Vassar Haiti Project

Taking Stock at Mid-Semester

This post is a shameless repeat from last semester updated just a bit. In part, it’s because this is what I’m thinking about doing in class this week and in part because I am too overloaded to come up with a fresh idea! Look for a new post from me next week!
Most Colleges and Universities have their faculty members hand out some kind of course evaluation form at the end of the term in order to get student feedback about the class they just took and the professor’s teaching of that course. The feedback, often a combination of written comments and numerical scores, becomes part of the faculty member’s teaching record.

Link to original post in Teaching Tales