Can we give rich assignments that are also not too time consuming to grade? Part I

One of the worst parts of my job as a professor is grading. Mind-numbing and neck-stiffening, grading takes huge amounts of time. Reading the same essay question responses or lab reports and papers for dozens of students is so unpleasant that we almost have to tie ourselves to our chairs to get us to do it! And, of course, with stressed-out students beginning and completing those assignments by pulling all-nighters, the quality of some of that work makes the task all that much more stultifying.

Link to original post in Teaching Tales

Back from Chermaitre!

After four intense, productive, and amazing days in Chermaitre, the trippers are back in Port-au-Prince. Read on for a short update from them!
Apart from successfully holding a clinic day in the new Chermaitre-Fervil Clinic and meeting the local medical committee, we also conducted a small-scale census around the village, created a beautiful peace quilt with the women’s cooperative, received the cooperative’s first product – coffee from Chermaitre (!), and performed water and soil tests.

Link to original post in Vassar Haiti Project