Artists Depicting Artists

Today’s post comes from Alicia Lewis, class of 2018 and Art Center Student Docent
While roaming the galleries of the Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center one day last semester, I noticed a newly installed painting in the 20th century gallery. It was a rather large painting, and the artist’s use of space on the long, narrow canvas was very unusual

Link to original post in Off the Wall

HEL and Cupid’s Flea Market Collaborate with Education Initiative

On February the 14th, as Valentine’s Day dawned on the Vassar campus, the Education Committee found it to be a perfect occasion to do some fund-raising for its Education Lunch Program. During a recent crisis of inflation, Haiti experienced a precipitous rise in food prices, one that not only affected the lifestyle of all the members of Chermaître, but also jeopardized the chances for students to get a subsidized meal as part of the education lunch program

Link to original post in Vassar Haiti Project