The importance of late policies

Sometimes in my excitement about a course plan I’ve developed I totally forget to put a late policy in my syllabus. Even after 21 years of college teaching, I forgot to add a late policy to my course syllabus this past fall semester! [What was I thinking? Answer: I wasn’t!]
Why do you need a late policy in your syllabus?

1. Your students need to know up front how you will handle assignments they want to turn in late.

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Ramping up for the second rollercoaster ride

All aboard! We had a week or so to think about things other than our teaching. One of the great things about being a teacher is there are occasional times when we can truly feel we’ve completed our job. On the other hand, hear we go again!

Like being drawn back to the rollercoaster in an amusement park, we get back in the rickety car and slowly lurch our way back to the top of the ride.

Link to original post in Teaching Tales