Building a Class Community

Even in these days of active learning, inquiry-based courses and anti-lecture sentiment, many college students come into class hoping they won’t have to say anything out loud or have to think too hard. When I ask my students, in a first-week short writing assignment, to reflect on what kind of class format they prefer, the majority still say they prefer organized, information-rich lectures. A few like group work, but they are reluctant to trust each other to provide “what they need to learn.

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Back in the Saddle! Getting motivated

You’ve made your syllabus…….the countdown to the first class seems to be accelerating and you feel nowhere close to ready!
How do you get motivated for the long weeks ahead?
For me, the best way to be ready to get back into the swing of things is to prepare two weeks’ worth of class sessions. Why?

Gets me thinking about the course
Helps me calm down and keeps those nasty classroom nightmares at bay a bit better
Gives me a buffer of semi- to mostly- prepared classes because the beginning of the semester also marks lots of time spent advising students about their class schedules, scheduling and attending committee meetings, and getting independent research student projects organization and started.

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